I worked, because the news stops for pretty much nothing. Food from Cracker Barrel was brought in, and it was decent. I had lunch around 11:30, pies around 2, and left work after my show at 6:45. Then, I went to a friend’s place, and had leftover green bean casserole, mac and cheese casserole, sweet potatoes, and mashed potatoes. That was excellent. Tomorrow, back to work.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Posts Tagged ‘work’
turkey day…
Posted by eric on November 23, 2007
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words, words, words…
Posted by eric on November 6, 2007
(have you heard // A bird in hand is much better than, // Any number free to wander… ok, I’ll stop quoting DMB lyrics…)
As I was trying to figure out what to write about tonight, I was checking out some posts with the NaBloPoMo randomizer. I came across a post on Eleven-Pm.org in which the blogger is also talking about NaNoWriMo. Wow. Posting on a blog every day, and finishing a novel, all in the month of November. That’s a lot of words. I don’t think I could do it. That got me thinking about how much I write every day, in the course of putting together my newscast. I’ve never really calculated it, although it would be interesting to figure that out. Maybe I will one day… hmm.
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